I am not quite sure about whether what I am doing is right. You see from what I read and observed, many people say that if you want to be good you have to get your basics right. I mean yes I agree, dont try to run when you cant walk. I am talking about me having learnt the Crab scratch. Many people have told me that learning this way is wrong. I am kind of confused but from tomorrow onwards I guess I will learn the basics. In school everything went according to plan and I got my work done although I could have done more. Tomorrow I aim to complete my work. Submission is this Friday. I will end here. I want to sleep early so that I can get enough rest. Okay, bye.
Reflections: I realised today that with my friends around I am not that productive, so from tomorrow onwards I will sit somewhere else during lesson. That is all. Bye.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Good Start
Today was nothing much. Woke up usually late due to late nite work. Supposed to meet a friend to discuss some issues but he could not make it. So I waited for time to pass than go to the shop called Clique to purchase a few vinyls containing scratch and breakbeats. Surprisingly it is more costly compared to vinyl records pressed with artiste singles or songs. I bought Dirt Style by Q-bert. It is worth the money spent. Got home and tried on the vinyl and practised abit. I got frustrated several times. I really cannot believe it actually takes years to master it! My god!well I am taking a break now, going to go back to the decks after this post. At the moment I am practising the Crab Scratch. It is very difficult as all your 4 fingers and thumb must synchronise and cut the scratch into 4 segments in quick succession. Okay that is all. Bye
Reflections: Besides the whole djing thing there is nothing else that is going through my mind. Yes, you may be wondering whether Ms. T has vanished from the face of the earth or what right. Well she is alive and doing fine, uploading pics and many other things. I really cannot understand her. I mean really. Sometimes she is cold, sometimes she is not. We do keep in contact but it isnt like how it used to be where my fingers were busy punching in the alphabets almost every 10 mins. Oh yes I found my beloved Ez-link card. It was lying in the middle of the pages of a book. Yes a book. A place where I least expected it to be. Well that is about it. Bye
Reflections: Besides the whole djing thing there is nothing else that is going through my mind. Yes, you may be wondering whether Ms. T has vanished from the face of the earth or what right. Well she is alive and doing fine, uploading pics and many other things. I really cannot understand her. I mean really. Sometimes she is cold, sometimes she is not. We do keep in contact but it isnt like how it used to be where my fingers were busy punching in the alphabets almost every 10 mins. Oh yes I found my beloved Ez-link card. It was lying in the middle of the pages of a book. Yes a book. A place where I least expected it to be. Well that is about it. Bye
Friday, July 27, 2007
Long Day
Today was a long day. Maybe because I stayed back in my polytechnic to finish doing my work. Well today my target was to finish 2 cross sections and I kept to my word. It certainly felt good knowing i can go home and relax without worrying about my work. I went home got changed and met my friend to go look around at some shops. It was not productive though. I just reached home but have to leave soon to work. Yes I work every Friday and Saturday night. Today is going to be a long day because of the music. Got to bear with it. That is all. Bye
Reflections: Today Ms. T called me. Nothing to get excited about because she wanted to check if I had reported my lost Ez-link card. Funny, yeah I know. It is so bloody difficult to find sample vinyl records. Maybe when I go to work today I will ask the Djs working there. My friend and I walked for hours, seached high and low but to no avail. I got to be patient i guess. Ok I have to go prepare for work. Bye.
Reflections: Today Ms. T called me. Nothing to get excited about because she wanted to check if I had reported my lost Ez-link card. Funny, yeah I know. It is so bloody difficult to find sample vinyl records. Maybe when I go to work today I will ask the Djs working there. My friend and I walked for hours, seached high and low but to no avail. I got to be patient i guess. Ok I have to go prepare for work. Bye.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Yes, i finished my final design layout. I am just left with cross-section and my planting plan. I want to complete that tomorrow. The best part is you know what? My project is due in 3 weeks time not 1 week. I know false alarm. Today was very boring as in nothing eventful. Just to complete my work I skipped lunch. Well it was worth the sacrifice. Today, I didnt touch my console at all. I was tired I guess. Okay I will end it here.
Reflections: I think the false alarm was a blessing in disguise ( Shi Hui pleasse dont copy the word) haha. I mean it made me panic and complete my work quickly. I will try to act like and fool myself into thinking submission is next week. That way I may complete more work. I am a very last minute person for those who don't know. Oh yes tomorrow. I have alot of things to do. First is to complete at least 2 cross sections. Secondly, replace my Ez-link card which I lost few days back and lastly buy some sample vinyls to practice on. So yeah I guess that is about it. Bye. See you soon.
Reflections: I think the false alarm was a blessing in disguise ( Shi Hui pleasse dont copy the word) haha. I mean it made me panic and complete my work quickly. I will try to act like and fool myself into thinking submission is next week. That way I may complete more work. I am a very last minute person for those who don't know. Oh yes tomorrow. I have alot of things to do. First is to complete at least 2 cross sections. Secondly, replace my Ez-link card which I lost few days back and lastly buy some sample vinyls to practice on. So yeah I guess that is about it. Bye. See you soon.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
So Much To Do So Little Time
As expected, my project is due next week am I am miles away from completing it. Compounding to my problem is my console.Every now and than I have the urge to go practice. I think I am prepared to fail man. I must complete everything by this Sunday if i want to complete my model and meet the submission time. I think I will go and stay over at Sengkang during the weekend. At least I will be far away from distractions. How I wish there was someone to help me with my model. I dont think I will be working this week due to the slow progress of my work. I just hate this whole damn thing.
Reflections: I dont know what to do. So many things goin throught my mind. Ms.T, djiing and my studies. My mind is made up about Ms. T already. I dont think I will msg her so frequently anymore. Seriously before I send her a message I always think twice because I am afraid I might be disturbing her. So yeah, it is more or less over. Although I dont want it to be. I dont want to live on false hope. My djing has to take the back seat at the moment I just want to end this whole project and after that I can scratch until the vinyls wear out. It is just to tempting. It is right behind my shoulder at the moment. I must not succumb to these temptations I guess. Well tomorrow I am going to ensure everything gets completed as soon as possible. The earlier the better. Oh yeah my project is about design the interior of a showflat. Nice to hear, sickening to do. Ok that is all for today. See you.
Reflections: I dont know what to do. So many things goin throught my mind. Ms.T, djiing and my studies. My mind is made up about Ms. T already. I dont think I will msg her so frequently anymore. Seriously before I send her a message I always think twice because I am afraid I might be disturbing her. So yeah, it is more or less over. Although I dont want it to be. I dont want to live on false hope. My djing has to take the back seat at the moment I just want to end this whole project and after that I can scratch until the vinyls wear out. It is just to tempting. It is right behind my shoulder at the moment. I must not succumb to these temptations I guess. Well tomorrow I am going to ensure everything gets completed as soon as possible. The earlier the better. Oh yeah my project is about design the interior of a showflat. Nice to hear, sickening to do. Ok that is all for today. See you.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Progess Made
Yes, there was progress today but it isn't my console that I am talking about. It is my Project. WellI finally sat down and did something productive. It feels good though. OH MY GOD, guess what! I have fixed the whole set up. My console finally works! Well I was actually updating my blog and I just thought of stopping for awhile and try to see if I can do something about my set-up. It actually worked. I can't wait for tomorrow. I think I will end this section of my blog here. Just want to go mess around with my deck. Bye.
Reflections: Are you kidding. My day cannot get any better. Well if only Ms. T agreed to have gone out. I think I would have been the happiest man on the planet. It would have been a triple whammey.The way I see it, it could have been a blessing in disguise. If I had gone out with her, I would not be here at this point of time messing around with the wires to set my console up. I mean that is one way you can look at it. Nonetheless it would have been nice if she had agreed. I just can't wait for tomorrow to come. Oh yeah I have to relocate my decks to another corner of my room. It is very cramped up. I have to sleep in the hall because of the clutter. By tomorrow I hope to sleep in my own room. Hopefully. Ok I will end here. I got a mess to clean up. Bye.
Reflections: Are you kidding. My day cannot get any better. Well if only Ms. T agreed to have gone out. I think I would have been the happiest man on the planet. It would have been a triple whammey.The way I see it, it could have been a blessing in disguise. If I had gone out with her, I would not be here at this point of time messing around with the wires to set my console up. I mean that is one way you can look at it. Nonetheless it would have been nice if she had agreed. I just can't wait for tomorrow to come. Oh yeah I have to relocate my decks to another corner of my room. It is very cramped up. I have to sleep in the hall because of the clutter. By tomorrow I hope to sleep in my own room. Hopefully. Ok I will end here. I got a mess to clean up. Bye.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Day Of Frustration
Today, was yet another boring day. I mean really I hate my lessons, we learn about computer software and its operation. It is very boring. I am just looking forward to National Service. We do not need to study! Lessons ended at 5 today afterwhich I went to purchase my mixer. I bought a Technics SH-DX 1200. The picture is below. It is more of a scratch mixer and also purchased a vinyl ( Jay-Z: Show Me What You Got). Got home tried to hook the system up to together but to no avail. It is very frustrating. Tomorrow I will head to the club room to get help. Well this was how my day went. That is all.

Reflections: Today nothing much went through my mind. Oh yes I asked Ms. T out and she declined. Well I just have to forget about everything. Too bad I guess. Really I don't know why. I am rather agitated with the fact that I cant start playing and messing around with my console. I may have to buy an amplifier with speakers. I dont know but yeah. Damn bloody broke. Okay that is about it I feel like sleeping. Ms T isn't online either. I may have scared her away. Okay, bye.

Reflections: Today nothing much went through my mind. Oh yes I asked Ms. T out and she declined. Well I just have to forget about everything. Too bad I guess. Really I don't know why. I am rather agitated with the fact that I cant start playing and messing around with my console. I may have to buy an amplifier with speakers. I dont know but yeah. Damn bloody broke. Okay that is about it I feel like sleeping. Ms T isn't online either. I may have scared her away. Okay, bye.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Hope Is Revived
Today it was raining as usual. I was not going to waste another day again. So I called my friend up and went out to look and enquire for equipment. It was fruitful. Got a few products in mind. The two mixers on my mind are Technics mixers and Behringer mixers. I also went to look for a speaker that can at least channel the music out of my decks. So far so good. Hopefully everythings goes smoothly without a hitch. By tomorrow I should make my mind up and go purchase them. Yesterday work was good. Music was much better and there was not much of a crowd. The rain kind off dampened my mood towards the end because I was asked to do umbrella service. Which means escorting the clubs customers to the nearest shelter. Almost every customer was complaining about Singapore's weather. Well nothing much I can do but smile and nod in approval. Well that is about it. Yeah kind of boring I know.
Reflections: Today there was nothing much to think about because my mind was filled with questions regarding my equipment. If I were to go into detail with that you probably turn your moniter off. Yesterday one thing in particular pissed me off. My club believes in service. Trust me the service there is really of high standard. One of the services we do offer is umbrella service, where we escort customers with umbrellas in an event of a rain to the nearest shelter. I was looking forward to umbrella service because Ms. T and frens were in town and I wanted to escort them but they decided to brave the rain and go home. What a waste. Okay back to my story. At the end of the night, customers go home clean and dry. On the other side we servers are all drenched in rainwater and it really is uncomfortable to have to do out closing and eat our supper. My company should at least thought of the staff and provide us raincoats. I raised this issue to my Operation Manager and he said he will look into it. So the next time round if it rains again I hope we at least get raincoats.
Oh yes, yesterday this guy approached me and started talking to me. He asked how long I have worked here and stuff like that. He even dropped a bombshell by saying he is gay. As for me I was not shocked, I told him nicely that its okay because you are still human after all. I mean why discriminate a person because of ones sexuality. Upon my heart-moving statement he placed his hands on my shoulder and I was sensing the wrong vibe. Luckily his friends pulled him away. Doesn't pay to be good. Well that is that is all folk. See you around. Bye.
Reflections: Today there was nothing much to think about because my mind was filled with questions regarding my equipment. If I were to go into detail with that you probably turn your moniter off. Yesterday one thing in particular pissed me off. My club believes in service. Trust me the service there is really of high standard. One of the services we do offer is umbrella service, where we escort customers with umbrellas in an event of a rain to the nearest shelter. I was looking forward to umbrella service because Ms. T and frens were in town and I wanted to escort them but they decided to brave the rain and go home. What a waste. Okay back to my story. At the end of the night, customers go home clean and dry. On the other side we servers are all drenched in rainwater and it really is uncomfortable to have to do out closing and eat our supper. My company should at least thought of the staff and provide us raincoats. I raised this issue to my Operation Manager and he said he will look into it. So the next time round if it rains again I hope we at least get raincoats.
Oh yes, yesterday this guy approached me and started talking to me. He asked how long I have worked here and stuff like that. He even dropped a bombshell by saying he is gay. As for me I was not shocked, I told him nicely that its okay because you are still human after all. I mean why discriminate a person because of ones sexuality. Upon my heart-moving statement he placed his hands on my shoulder and I was sensing the wrong vibe. Luckily his friends pulled him away. Doesn't pay to be good. Well that is that is all folk. See you around. Bye.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Gloomy Day
Well today, as I told you all and promised myself i will go window shopping. Unfortunately it has been raining the whole day. I rather sleep during this weather than to go out, battle mother nature and go window shopping. So I went to look around for shops in Singapore online, took down their contact numbers and began dialing away.
One of the huge letdowns is that most of the shops have moved and changed numbers. As a result I was left with a few options. I think calling the shops is not a very good idea as the people attending to you are not very keen on talking to you about their products range and models. Which leads me back to square one. Well after this post I am going to head down to the shop myself. It is troublesome for sure but it will be fruitful. I have got work later. I really look forward to work on Saturdays. I guess it is because of the music. Hopefully it will not be so busy today. That is about it for this section.
Reflections: Yesterday was a long slow day at work. Music was not nice the club was not so packed. I still felt dead tired. Oh yeah, Ms.T and her frens came again. Nice to see them. Apparently Ms.T thinks I am pissed with her. I don't know why. I hope I was not rude to them in anyway. Well I don't think they will be coming today because she still thinks I am pissed with her. If I were them I would still pop by. I dont have any right to be pissed with her so she shouldnt be so upset about it. Well I can't blame her because I think she is the emo nemo sort. I am pissed about something though and that is my iPod isnt working i dont know why. Frustrating to the core I tell you. Damn it! I have to listen to music from my handphone which has very few tracks. Ok that is about it. I got to go. Bye.
One of the huge letdowns is that most of the shops have moved and changed numbers. As a result I was left with a few options. I think calling the shops is not a very good idea as the people attending to you are not very keen on talking to you about their products range and models. Which leads me back to square one. Well after this post I am going to head down to the shop myself. It is troublesome for sure but it will be fruitful. I have got work later. I really look forward to work on Saturdays. I guess it is because of the music. Hopefully it will not be so busy today. That is about it for this section.
Reflections: Yesterday was a long slow day at work. Music was not nice the club was not so packed. I still felt dead tired. Oh yeah, Ms.T and her frens came again. Nice to see them. Apparently Ms.T thinks I am pissed with her. I don't know why. I hope I was not rude to them in anyway. Well I don't think they will be coming today because she still thinks I am pissed with her. If I were them I would still pop by. I dont have any right to be pissed with her so she shouldnt be so upset about it. Well I can't blame her because I think she is the emo nemo sort. I am pissed about something though and that is my iPod isnt working i dont know why. Frustrating to the core I tell you. Damn it! I have to listen to music from my handphone which has very few tracks. Ok that is about it. I got to go. Bye.
Another Day Goes To Waste
Well as I earlier stated, I would be going window shopping today. It didnt actually go according to plan. Only had 3 hours of sleep and woke up late for lessons. I managed to flag a cab and was able to be marked present for the day. Lesson was boring as usual. It was History Of Landscape Design. Till today I am not able to recap anything from my previous lessons. So I spent my day using the Multimedia Lab looking for mixers of different ranges. Took a few notes. Today time went by very slow. By the end of the lesson I just wanted to go home and sleep.
Reached home, felt as if I ran a marathon. Eversince I stopped playing soccer. I find myself kind of breathless and weak after walking for some time. I had my lunch and feel very bloated now. Still not happy that I am not able to go window shopping. I guess I have to go tomorrow. Better keep to my word. Well I guess that is about it. So I shall end here.
Reflections: Today I want to bring up something that has been on my mind. It is about people having fake english names because they do not like their own name. For example. A girl called Tan Li Fang ( random name), surprisingly people call her by the name of Apple. The best part is the name Apple does not even appear in their Identification Card ( I.C ). Upon questioning why she calls herself Apple, she says that it is difficult for other people to pronounce her name. I mean what the hell is wrong. When you make new friends, you obviously introduce yourself by your real name and if the person cannot get it, he or she will most likely ask you to repeat or prompt you to pronounce your own name again. What is so difficult. If you are so kind hearted and feel that you may get someones tongue twisted and tied, why not name yourself A, B, C or D. So much easier rite. The whole issue is not about the other party not being able to pronounce your name. I guess it is due to the western influence on us. We want to be hip and cool. I mean it is your name. The last thing you want is to be ashamed of your own name. Please for gods sake. Changing ones name would not change the persons character or attitude. People judge you by the things you do. Your name does not earn you credit in anyway. That is all that I want to highlight for today. I got to go get my sleep. Have to work tonite. Bye.
Reached home, felt as if I ran a marathon. Eversince I stopped playing soccer. I find myself kind of breathless and weak after walking for some time. I had my lunch and feel very bloated now. Still not happy that I am not able to go window shopping. I guess I have to go tomorrow. Better keep to my word. Well I guess that is about it. So I shall end here.
Reflections: Today I want to bring up something that has been on my mind. It is about people having fake english names because they do not like their own name. For example. A girl called Tan Li Fang ( random name), surprisingly people call her by the name of Apple. The best part is the name Apple does not even appear in their Identification Card ( I.C ). Upon questioning why she calls herself Apple, she says that it is difficult for other people to pronounce her name. I mean what the hell is wrong. When you make new friends, you obviously introduce yourself by your real name and if the person cannot get it, he or she will most likely ask you to repeat or prompt you to pronounce your own name again. What is so difficult. If you are so kind hearted and feel that you may get someones tongue twisted and tied, why not name yourself A, B, C or D. So much easier rite. The whole issue is not about the other party not being able to pronounce your name. I guess it is due to the western influence on us. We want to be hip and cool. I mean it is your name. The last thing you want is to be ashamed of your own name. Please for gods sake. Changing ones name would not change the persons character or attitude. People judge you by the things you do. Your name does not earn you credit in anyway. That is all that I want to highlight for today. I got to go get my sleep. Have to work tonite. Bye.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Last Post Of The Day
Ok i just finish setting up my whole console. It is just the darn mixer that is missing. Looks very incomplete without it. Looks like a human face without eyebrows. I also have to get a proper table to place my decks. At the moment I am doing with a makeshift table. I guess tomorrow I will be going Peninsula and Ikea to check stuff out. If only I put this much effort in my studies I think I can ace it! haha. Well I will now move on to the Reflections Section.
Reflections: Well today before I sleep I think I better get this burden off my chest. See sometime back I came across this girl. I will call her Ms. T, to protect her identity. I really like this girl. The usual things happens. We messaged and talked. I never went out with her though. She even dropped by my workplace with her group of friends, not to see me but to have a change in their lives because they were getting bored at Zouk. Even than I had no guts to talk to her face to face. I think you get what I am saying. You know the feeling you get when you were to see Jessica Alba or Brad Pitt. Thoughts go through your head, you got limited time, you dont exactly know what to say. Yeah same goes for me. You may think I am exaggerating but if you were to see her for yourself you would be baffled..haha..best part is, she isnt stuck up and stuff. She is extremely beautiful inside out. Well there is her introduction and now back to my story.
During that night she apparently met this guy who was also there clubbing and they exchanged numbers. She went out with the guy too. OUCH..please dont get me wrong. She has not done anything wrong. She is single and it is up to her to decide who she wants to meet and stuff. I am talking about my feelings here. So obviously I would be devastated. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. So yeah. Even her friend whom I have contact with told me about she liking this guy. I felt like burning down my workplace! haha..well the problem is, I had already started on making her birthday gift despite it being next month..haha..now I am not quite sure if it is appropriate to give it to her. I am now in a period where I am coming to terms that I am not good enough for her. Yes sad but true. Well if she is happy with that guy so be it. I mean I dont want to be sour grapes or wish ill of her. I am not the only male on the planet you know. Maybe she feels he can keep her happy. So yeah. As for her gift I will see how things go on in the weeks to come. If luck isnt on my side than too bad for me.
Ok, that is all. Stay tuned for tomorrow. I will try to post something although it is not possible because I have got school and than have to go window shopping afterwhich I have to slave my ass off. Ok bye.
Reflections: Well today before I sleep I think I better get this burden off my chest. See sometime back I came across this girl. I will call her Ms. T, to protect her identity. I really like this girl. The usual things happens. We messaged and talked. I never went out with her though. She even dropped by my workplace with her group of friends, not to see me but to have a change in their lives because they were getting bored at Zouk. Even than I had no guts to talk to her face to face. I think you get what I am saying. You know the feeling you get when you were to see Jessica Alba or Brad Pitt. Thoughts go through your head, you got limited time, you dont exactly know what to say. Yeah same goes for me. You may think I am exaggerating but if you were to see her for yourself you would be baffled..haha..best part is, she isnt stuck up and stuff. She is extremely beautiful inside out. Well there is her introduction and now back to my story.
During that night she apparently met this guy who was also there clubbing and they exchanged numbers. She went out with the guy too. OUCH..please dont get me wrong. She has not done anything wrong. She is single and it is up to her to decide who she wants to meet and stuff. I am talking about my feelings here. So obviously I would be devastated. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. So yeah. Even her friend whom I have contact with told me about she liking this guy. I felt like burning down my workplace! haha..well the problem is, I had already started on making her birthday gift despite it being next month..haha..now I am not quite sure if it is appropriate to give it to her. I am now in a period where I am coming to terms that I am not good enough for her. Yes sad but true. Well if she is happy with that guy so be it. I mean I dont want to be sour grapes or wish ill of her. I am not the only male on the planet you know. Maybe she feels he can keep her happy. So yeah. As for her gift I will see how things go on in the weeks to come. If luck isnt on my side than too bad for me.
Ok, that is all. Stay tuned for tomorrow. I will try to post something although it is not possible because I have got school and than have to go window shopping afterwhich I have to slave my ass off. Ok bye.
The Jouney Begins
Well today I did not attend school, was kind of tired and also because I went clubbing the night before. Woke up at about 11.30am. I decided on buying my equipment today as I had the whole day ahead of me. I made a few calls to check on the availability of the equipment and went off. I dont know why I was not excited.
Upon setting foot at the shop the sight of turntable mixers in the display certainly got the adrenaline pumping..haha..but I got the shock of my life when I realised that I had to pay an extra 2% of GST. ARGGGH...that really threw me off because obviously the prices of the amplifiers, mixers, stylus, cartridges have increased too. Damn. Well I purchased the turntables, stylii and the cartridges. As for the mixer, my mentor has yet to get back to me. The problem is that Technic mixers if they were to bleed, it would be difficult to do the servicing, whereas mixers like Gemini and Numark, if you were to have such problems, if can be rectified easily and quickly. So I did not want to make an investment where I would obviously lose out on. I will purchase the mixer in a few days time.
I purchased a pair of Technics SL1210 MK5 and as for the Cartridges and Stylii i got Shure M44-7. I will try to upload a few images here. Oh yeah the turntables are jet black. A very classy look.

After painstakingly carrying the equipment to the taxi stand,I placed it in the taxi and headed back home to face the greatest headache of all time. Well it really proved to be one as the setting up of the turntables took longer than I expected. The most frustrating part was when I was fixing the cartridge and stylus to the headshell. It is alot of precision work as the stylus is made out of a industrial diamond and wrecking it before it even touches the vinyl will be such a heartache. Hours passed and finally i was able to secure all the 3 pieces together. I still have one more to go for the other turntable. The only problem that I face now is the positioning of the counter-weight. I know the amount of weight needed to have the tone arm in a balanced stance but I am not quite sure about the positioning. So I just have to make a few more calls to settle that problem. Well i guess I am done with this part.
Ok I decided to divide my blog into 2 sections. One of my Dj-ing experience and journey and the other half will have my reflections and feelings of the day. That way it would be much easier for those who are reading my blog.
Reflections: Today one thing particular attitude of a person pissed me off big time. This person is none other than the owner of the shop I had visited earlier today. How many of you have actually entered a shop knowing what you want to buy only for this irritating pest (owner or salesman) to approach you and push certain products to you despite the fact that you have already made up your mind. It is a total waste of time on our side ( customer) and total waste of energy for the other party ( salesman or owner). Today that happened. I went in and told the person attending to me that I wanted to purchase my equipment. As soon as I completed my sentence, Mr. Motormouth began talking about Stanton Turntables and Mixers. He started to tell me the evolution of the turntables and stuff like that. It went on for 15 mins. Kudos to him for his knowledge in this topic but I certainly didnt remember asking him about the history of turntables and mixers. After his lesson ended. I just told him with a straight face that I was still standing by my decision and was not going to be influenced by his thoughts and ideas. In his eyes he may think by just blabbering certain facts, he is a good salesman. I certainly dont think so. I think salesman or anyone operating a shop should approach customers in a certain way.
1) Greet customer and ask what he maybe looking for and if he(salesman) could be of any help.
2) If customers is just looking around, leave him/her alone. DO NOT STALK AND FOLLOW THEIR EVERY MOVE. If they are buying something, ask them if they already know what they want or are they open to suggestions. If they know what they want, just give them what they want. They could be in a rush (girlfriends, friends,family member could be expecting them somewhere). If they are open to ideas and suggestion, than you( salesman) proceed to give him/her your product knowledge
and at the end of the day let them weigh up the options and decide. One more important thing,when talking,make sure you dont drown your customer with saliva. If that isnt possible, talk behind a glass door.
Its so simple and easy. Ok I will take my leave and get back here to update the blog and you people on the latest development in my personal life. Till than take care.
Upon setting foot at the shop the sight of turntable mixers in the display certainly got the adrenaline pumping..haha..but I got the shock of my life when I realised that I had to pay an extra 2% of GST. ARGGGH...that really threw me off because obviously the prices of the amplifiers, mixers, stylus, cartridges have increased too. Damn. Well I purchased the turntables, stylii and the cartridges. As for the mixer, my mentor has yet to get back to me. The problem is that Technic mixers if they were to bleed, it would be difficult to do the servicing, whereas mixers like Gemini and Numark, if you were to have such problems, if can be rectified easily and quickly. So I did not want to make an investment where I would obviously lose out on. I will purchase the mixer in a few days time.
I purchased a pair of Technics SL1210 MK5 and as for the Cartridges and Stylii i got Shure M44-7. I will try to upload a few images here. Oh yeah the turntables are jet black. A very classy look.

After painstakingly carrying the equipment to the taxi stand,I placed it in the taxi and headed back home to face the greatest headache of all time. Well it really proved to be one as the setting up of the turntables took longer than I expected. The most frustrating part was when I was fixing the cartridge and stylus to the headshell. It is alot of precision work as the stylus is made out of a industrial diamond and wrecking it before it even touches the vinyl will be such a heartache. Hours passed and finally i was able to secure all the 3 pieces together. I still have one more to go for the other turntable. The only problem that I face now is the positioning of the counter-weight. I know the amount of weight needed to have the tone arm in a balanced stance but I am not quite sure about the positioning. So I just have to make a few more calls to settle that problem. Well i guess I am done with this part.
Ok I decided to divide my blog into 2 sections. One of my Dj-ing experience and journey and the other half will have my reflections and feelings of the day. That way it would be much easier for those who are reading my blog.
Reflections: Today one thing particular attitude of a person pissed me off big time. This person is none other than the owner of the shop I had visited earlier today. How many of you have actually entered a shop knowing what you want to buy only for this irritating pest (owner or salesman) to approach you and push certain products to you despite the fact that you have already made up your mind. It is a total waste of time on our side ( customer) and total waste of energy for the other party ( salesman or owner). Today that happened. I went in and told the person attending to me that I wanted to purchase my equipment. As soon as I completed my sentence, Mr. Motormouth began talking about Stanton Turntables and Mixers. He started to tell me the evolution of the turntables and stuff like that. It went on for 15 mins. Kudos to him for his knowledge in this topic but I certainly didnt remember asking him about the history of turntables and mixers. After his lesson ended. I just told him with a straight face that I was still standing by my decision and was not going to be influenced by his thoughts and ideas. In his eyes he may think by just blabbering certain facts, he is a good salesman. I certainly dont think so. I think salesman or anyone operating a shop should approach customers in a certain way.
1) Greet customer and ask what he maybe looking for and if he(salesman) could be of any help.
2) If customers is just looking around, leave him/her alone. DO NOT STALK AND FOLLOW THEIR EVERY MOVE. If they are buying something, ask them if they already know what they want or are they open to suggestions. If they know what they want, just give them what they want. They could be in a rush (girlfriends, friends,family member could be expecting them somewhere). If they are open to ideas and suggestion, than you( salesman) proceed to give him/her your product knowledge
and at the end of the day let them weigh up the options and decide. One more important thing,when talking,make sure you dont drown your customer with saliva. If that isnt possible, talk behind a glass door.
Its so simple and easy. Ok I will take my leave and get back here to update the blog and you people on the latest development in my personal life. Till than take care.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
About Me
Well here I am finally contradicting myself. Why you may ask. Well for years I always thought blogs were a waste of time and people who had nothing better to would just go home and sulk and create a blog. I hope I have not offended anyone with my opinions. People please understand that in this blog, I will have alot of comments and critisism to make. If you feel offended in anyway than I am sorry. I mean isnt a blog one of the means of channeling your thoughts and feelings.
So yeah. Now I am sure you would be wondering why a guy like me has finally decided to create a blog of his own. Basically, I have had this strong interest in Dj-ing. I have actually considered this hobby for a long time because it is a very expensive hobby. Before i actually invested my hard earned money into this hobby, I went around asking Djs (disc-jockeys) of a few clubs about their opinions and views and how i should actualy make my first step into this hobby. Well after all that was done, i gave myself 5 months, I mean I wanted to make sure that this interest of mine wasnt a spur of a moment kind of thing. During that period of 5 months I went to do my homework on Dj-ing. I looked up webs and videos on stuff like, BPMs, Bars, Mixing, Functions of the turntables, mixers and stuff like that.
The period has come to an end and after I have saved enough money i have decided that I am going to purchase a set of decks of my own. During my journey in this hobby I will update my blog about my progress and stuff like that. The blog will kind of a timetable for me. So yeah I hope you people enjoy it.
Don't worry I shall also give you a small glimpse of my life. At the moment alot of things are going on at one time that I cannot tolerate. Well the other reason I also was not a fan of blogs was because I didnt want to share my happiness and sorrows with people that I don't know. After much thinking and consideration I realised that I don't actually have to tell each and every single detail of my life. Hahaha. It took me years to realise that.
This are a few to things that I feel you should at least know about me.
Name: Jitendra Mishra
D.O.B: 11/04/1987
Horoscope: Aries
Occupation: Full-time student at Singapore Polytechnic
Race: Indian
I guess that is about it. Oh yes I would really apreciate if you would leave behind constructive comments and if there are haters out there and wanna hate than well its their loss. Yeah. This is my first ever post. Hahaha.
So yeah. Now I am sure you would be wondering why a guy like me has finally decided to create a blog of his own. Basically, I have had this strong interest in Dj-ing. I have actually considered this hobby for a long time because it is a very expensive hobby. Before i actually invested my hard earned money into this hobby, I went around asking Djs (disc-jockeys) of a few clubs about their opinions and views and how i should actualy make my first step into this hobby. Well after all that was done, i gave myself 5 months, I mean I wanted to make sure that this interest of mine wasnt a spur of a moment kind of thing. During that period of 5 months I went to do my homework on Dj-ing. I looked up webs and videos on stuff like, BPMs, Bars, Mixing, Functions of the turntables, mixers and stuff like that.
The period has come to an end and after I have saved enough money i have decided that I am going to purchase a set of decks of my own. During my journey in this hobby I will update my blog about my progress and stuff like that. The blog will kind of a timetable for me. So yeah I hope you people enjoy it.
Don't worry I shall also give you a small glimpse of my life. At the moment alot of things are going on at one time that I cannot tolerate. Well the other reason I also was not a fan of blogs was because I didnt want to share my happiness and sorrows with people that I don't know. After much thinking and consideration I realised that I don't actually have to tell each and every single detail of my life. Hahaha. It took me years to realise that.
This are a few to things that I feel you should at least know about me.
Name: Jitendra Mishra
D.O.B: 11/04/1987
Horoscope: Aries
Occupation: Full-time student at Singapore Polytechnic
Race: Indian
I guess that is about it. Oh yes I would really apreciate if you would leave behind constructive comments and if there are haters out there and wanna hate than well its their loss. Yeah. This is my first ever post. Hahaha.
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