Thursday, July 26, 2007


Yes, i finished my final design layout. I am just left with cross-section and my planting plan. I want to complete that tomorrow. The best part is you know what? My project is due in 3 weeks time not 1 week. I know false alarm. Today was very boring as in nothing eventful. Just to complete my work I skipped lunch. Well it was worth the sacrifice. Today, I didnt touch my console at all. I was tired I guess. Okay I will end it here.

Reflections: I think the false alarm was a blessing in disguise ( Shi Hui pleasse dont copy the word) haha. I mean it made me panic and complete my work quickly. I will try to act like and fool myself into thinking submission is next week. That way I may complete more work. I am a very last minute person for those who don't know. Oh yes tomorrow. I have alot of things to do. First is to complete at least 2 cross sections. Secondly, replace my Ez-link card which I lost few days back and lastly buy some sample vinyls to practice on. So yeah I guess that is about it. Bye. See you soon.

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